How to running Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin - Open Source Lab -->

How to running Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin

How to running Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin for beginners (like me) who are still using Sierra.

Apache Activation

Since apache and php are already pre-installed on macOS Sierra, we will activate them by using our Terminal. First type in the following:

PHP Activation

As we activated apache, now we can go further and activate PHP. Again you should open terminal and type the following and then type in your password:

You can press Control+W to skip to the line that you are looking for.
index.php file

Installing MySQL

Before we start, you should download MySQL here. It will ask you to login but at the bottom of the page there is a link ‘No thanks, just start my download.’ Click on it and your download will start. After you download the file, we will begin installing by opening it.

Installing phpMyAdmin

In order to install phpMyAdmin, you should first download it here. At the bottom of the page, you will see the file named ‘’. Just click on it and your download will start. Once it has been downloaded, we will simply drag it on your /Library/WebServer/Documents folder. In that folder, we must unzip the file and delete the original .zip one. After that, we will rename that folder from ‘phpMyAdmin-4.6.6-english’ to only ‘phpMyAdmin’.

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